Your Power Is In Your Pain

Uncategorized Oct 17, 2019
Hey beautiful,
Can I drop in and share a little love with you?
Your power is in your pain✨
Read that again.

As humans we’re so adverse to pain. We think we can’t handle it. We think it’s going to break us in two. We think it’ll hurt too much.

Not true 🙅🏻‍♀️
I promise you’re body will never give you anything you can’t handle. And the more we can lean into our pain and FEEL it. The more we can transcend it.

When’s the last time you really sat with yourself and let your emotions come up? Yes, it hurts no doubt. But the pain is temporary.

Maybe you say fuck no, absolutely not. My pain is too much. I can't handle it. It's a whole can of worms I'm not willing to open. But my love, what’s too much is being riddled with anxiety, dating the same shitty guys, hating our bodies, numbing ourselves with food, alcohol, and social media, depression, and always feeling a little lonely.

It all gets better when you let yourself feel, I swear.

In order to feel better, we have to be better feelers.
I would love to continue this conversation with you. I mean that. If you need some support shoot me a DM on Insta
Love you 💜